Privacy Policy


The cookies of the website do not store confidential information such as name and address. To restrict, block or delete cookies from this website, please use your web browser. Because each browser is different, you can learn how to change your cookie preferences in your browser’s “Help” menu.

Google Analytics – These cookies enable the functionality of Google Analytics. This software helps obtain and analyze information about the type of browser used, the number of visitors to the website, the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and the duration of individual visits. This information is used to improve the website.

Facebook – These cookies enable the operation of Facebook functions for the purposes of: enabling activity on a social profile, effectively maintaining profiles by presenting their users with information about the Administrator’s initiatives and activities and in connection with the promotion of various types of events, product services and for the use of marketing campaigns. This information is used to improve the website and to tailor advertising on Facebook.

The entity that places cookies on the end device of the user of this website and obtains access to them is the operator of the FOUNDATION FOR THE RECOVERY OF ALUMINUM PACKAGING – “RECAL”. Cookies may also be placed on the user’s end device and used by partners cooperating with the operator – Google and Facebook.



We process our clients’ personal data in order to perform the contract or take action before concluding the contract (pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR).


Using the website involves sending queries to the server on which the website is located. Each query sent to the server is saved in logs, which include, among others: IP address, server date and time, information about the web browser and operating system you are using. The data saved in the server logs are not associated with a specific person and constitute only auxiliary material used for administration, and their content is not disclosed to anyone other than persons authorized to administer the server at


The data provided when sending a message via the contact form will not be used for marketing purposes. This data is stored in the e-mail box at for the purposes of mail management and sending an e-mail response to your message. Third parties will not have access to them.



Providing personal data for marketing and commercial purposes is voluntary. You can access your personal data, correct it and request deletion at any time. For this purpose, please contact the personal data administrator.

The administrator of personal data is the FOUNDATION FOR THE RECOVERY OF ALUMINUM PACKAGING – “RECAL”, ul. Mariensztat 8, 00-302 Warsaw, NIP: 5261281727, REGON: 011362401.

The Administrator hereby informs the User that he entrusts the processing of personal data to the following entities:

HERON, Robert Heron, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 29A, 50-077 Wrocław, NIP: 6931009130, REGON: 390401923 – in order to store personal data on the server.