Project„Environmentally sustainable Sport for All” (EnvInSport)


The idea of the “Environmentally sustainable Sport for All” (EnvInSport) Project is raising an awareness about the benefits from sustainable development issues in sport for all. Its aim is an environmentally sustainable approach in Sport For All activities.

The EnvInSport Project includes partners from 4 Central and Eastern Europe countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Slovakia).

The objective is to promote the message that physical activity keeps mankind in a good and healthy shape and extends the individuals lives, when saving the natural resources is key to lower climate change and keep the environment beautiful and in a good condition for the next generations. This parallelism is the base for the EnvInSport Project.

Next aim is to establish strong cooperation between Partner organisations and its animators and volunteers to create a synergic effect for them. The project involves the exchange of experiences and the development of the practical activities for environmentally sustainable sports events and activities. It also includes organization of 2 working meetings and 4 events or study tours (each Project partner is responsible for one) to increase the quality in Partners’ work.


The goal of the “Environmentally sustainable Sport for All” EnvInSport Project is:

  1. To develop the cooperation in the field of environmental friendly sport activities in conjunction with the sustainable development between Project Partners for realization of the Project and after its completion.
  2. To exchange during Project’s realization an experiences in the field of green sport events and activities between Project Partners’ staff and animators/volunteers.
  3. To increase the Project Partners staff and animators/volunteers competences and quality of future work.
  4. To educate and promote among the sportsmen participating in Partner’s sport events environmentally sustainable sport events and activities.
  5. To collect and record the ideas and best practices in the area of green sport. To publish as the Project’s output an EnvInSport Brochure which will be providing and promoting active lifestyles compliant with green ideas reducing the environmental impact of sport events and activities.


  1. Six meetings for all EnvInSport Project partners.
  2. Four (one in each country) Project events or study tours to present own ideas for green event and activities and workshop/training for participants.
  3. Preparation of an EnvInSport Brochure in 5 languages (CZ, EN, PL, RO, SK) with environmentally sustainable activities and ideas in sport for all.


Envinsport Brochure will be available in 2025 at the final stage of the Project. We encourage you to download and make use of our ideas to organize sport events in a sustainable way. We will be grateful for the information which elements you have managed to implement and with what effect.

This Web page is prepared jointly by Partners of “Environmentally sustainable Sport for All” (EnvInSport) Project funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


„Environmentally sustainable Sport for All“ (EnvInSport)

Start: 01-12-2023

End: 31-05-2025

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Sport

Type: Collaborative Partnerships

Project Reference: 101132988

EU Grant: 60.000 EUR





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